Prehab Exercises

Feel Better, Move Better and Perform Better.

movement quality

Chop and Lift Progressions for Stability and Integration

CHOP AND LIFT: WHAT, WHY, WHEN AND HOW. Introduction:The Chop and Lift is a great exercise to help correct movement patterns, increase whole body integration and eliminate compensation patterns as well as provide an effective training stimulus to develop power, strength, stamina and stability (control). There are many, many different ways to perform the Chop […]

Guide to Foam Rolling – A Basic Blueprint for Soft Tissue Therapy

Guide to Foam RollingFoam rolling is a soft tissue therapy technique that can help improve an individual’s mobility in regards to flexibility and joint Range of Motion. Plus, foam rolling can also be used as a Regeneration tool to help an individual recover on a cellular level by means of assisting blood circulation that can […]

List of Common Compensation Patterns and Movement Dysfunctions

Within Human Movement, various patterns of compensation and the associated Movement Dysfunction limit an individual’s capability in performance and also dramatically increases the risk of, if not guarantees, a future injury. Conversely, trainers, coaches, and athletes that can identify common patterns of compensation in Human Movement have an opportunity to correct the associative Movement Dysfunctions, […]

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